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Industry insights


Amanda Byrne

1st November 2022

The Triad months are finally here...November to February. Is your business ready to avoid them and the potential charges? 

What are Triads?

Triads are the three half hour periods during winter in which the UK Electricity Demand is highest. These peaks in the National Demand generally fall between 16:00 and 19:00 in the November-February months.

Why are they important? 

The aim of the Triad system is an incentive to help smooth out peaks in energy demand during winter. Your business sites will be charged a Transmission charge based on your average consumption during the Triad (peak) periods.

How should you respond?

Reducing your electricity consumption during these periods could protect you from potential cost increases, with Triad charges becoming an increasingly prevalent line item on your electricity invoice.

It is also useful to anticipate when these Triads will occur and make adjustments to your consumption. This may involve turning certain machinery or processes off or reducing your production speed/output

For customer’s on a fixed rate contract the costs are automatically applied into your rate. However, for Flexible contract or energy-only customers, you could benefit from our Triad warnings by minimising your power consumption during the predicted times that we expect a potential Triad to occur.

How we can help

Anticipating when one of these three peak demand periods is going to occur is something of a crystal ball activity! However, the multiple factors that create them can be monitored and assessed, with the aim of identifying when a Triad may happen.

Our energy trading experts keep a keen eye on these factors and issue warnings to clients when they feel a potential peak in demand is going to occur. 

Brownlow aim to issue no more than 20 warnings each year, with the goal of issuing a warning on all three Triad dates and help reduce your costs without compromising your everyday business processes

To read more Triads explained or visit Triad Avoidance

Or Book a call with one of our energy experts.   

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