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Industry insights


Ellie Edwardson

14th August 2023

With the ESOS deadline closing in, it is time to act on your company’s sustainability obligations. What is ESOS? The energy savings opportunity scheme (ESOS) is a mandatory scheme set up by the Environmental Agency for companies who meet the following requirements:

For the qualification date for the third compliance period (31 December 2022) a large undertaking is any UK company that either:

- Has 250 or more employees OR

- Has an annual turnover in excess of £44 million AND has an annual balance sheet total in excess of £38 million.


The ESOS scheme runs on a 4 yearly cycle and the deadline for this Phase is the 5th June 2024. You must have your ESOS assessment signed off by a qualified Lead Assessor to ensure compliance, with so few in the country, the sooner you get started the better. Failure to comply can risk fines of up to £50,000. Earlier this year, the Environmental Agency proposed a list of possible changes to the requirements of the ESOS assessment which companies need to be aware of if/ when they come into effect. 


Proposed Changes

- Summary template to include compliance information within the ESOS report.

- Requirement to submit additional data in compliance notification.

-  A change in the de minimis exemption from 10% down to 5%.

-  ESOS reports to provide more information on implementing recommendations.

-  Participants to set action plan following phase 3, which will be reported against annually.

-  Share ESOS reports with subsidiaries.


Here at Brownlow, we can help you understand and assess your energy consumption and keep you updated on all changes before the deadline. With an in-house Lead Assessor and highly skilled sustainability team, we can help you through the ESOS compliance process from start to finish, so call us now!

Read More about ESOS here ..


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