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Industry insights

ESOS PHASE 3 - Are you up to speed?

Amanda Byrne

24th January 2023

New rules. Lead assessor shortages. Net Zero obligations ...

Businesses complying in Phase 3 of ESOS potentially face some time, financial and compliance challenges.

  • Time - The deadline for ESOS Phase 3 compliance is less than 11 months away! - 5th December 2023!
  • Rules - The government has recently changed the rules for compliance in Phase 3. You also now need to have a Net Zero plan in place for phase 4.
  • Availability - There are not enough energy auditors available to undertake all the surveys required.
  • Fines - The immediate fine for any business missing the deadline is £50,000! 

With the above in mind, NOW is the time to plan out your business’s entire ESOS journey! 

We strongly advise you to assess your energy data and arrange your site energy surveys as soon as you can. As proven in Phase 1 and 2, the closer we get to the compliance deadline, the more demand there is for qualified energy engineers and ESOS lead assessors. Many are booked up early and day rates are likely to increase closer to the deadline.

We can help - not just by providing our accredited energy engineers and lead assessors, but through a detailed understanding of your energy data and the wider Net Zero obligations you will face in Phase 4. 

Email a member of our sustainability team or book a call today!

To find out more about ESOS

What is ESOS?

UK Government Guidance on ESOS

Key changes to ESOS Phase 3 and 4

The difference between SECR and ESOS


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