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Industry insights

TRIAD Avoidance: Changes in Triad Charges and Their Impact on Your Business Energy Costs

Ellie Edwardson

9th January 2024

So, what is Triad Avoidance?

The Triad system refers to three thirty-minute settlement periods within the highest system demand period, which spans between November and February. These periods are separated by at least ten clear days. In previous years, half-hourly consumers were charged a premium for consumption during these periods. By predicting and avoiding consumption during these periods, it was possible to significantly reduce these charges.

Changes in Triad Charges and Their Impact on Your Business Energy Costs:

Triad avoidance has been a reliable method of reducing energy costs during high-demand periods. However, in recent years, the charges associated with triads have undergone significant changes. As a result, some areas no longer charge for triads, making energy consumption reduction efforts ineffective. If your business is located in one of these areas, reducing consumption during a triad period will have no benefits for you whatsoever.

table of TRIAD figures

For areas where triad avoidance is still in effect, the potential savings have been greatly reduced, and may not be worth pursuing. Previously, a business in South West England that reduced its consumption by 10kW during a triad period would save £637. Now, the same reduction only saves £76.

There are other ways Brownlow can help you reduce your business energy costs. We can assist you in amending the TCR charge, read more about this here…

If you need help understanding Triads and the solutions that Brownlow provides for businesses, please give us a call.

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